Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Pre-trip Preparations

Life has been a bit crazy lately. My best friend came down from DC for a weekend visit, and that was awesome. We did mad amounts of shopping and I now have an almost fully stocked wardrobe of business/professional clothes! I hate shopping, so I needed all the motivational encouragement I could get. It was well worth pushing through this weekend, if only to avoid the crazy crowds that descend upon the commercial centers during the holiday season!

In other news, I'm still trying to figure out how much luggage I can bring. I'm using my shipping allowance for excess baggage, so I'll be bringing 6 or 7 suitcases with me! I definitely won't need as much stuff as I'm bringing...but I figure, what the heck. If I have it already here, and there is no soft goods allowance (which normally allows you to replace household items), I'm going to use all my shipping allowance and bring my life with me! It will mostly be books, clothes, and shoes :-) I own about 500lbs of books (yes, I'm a nerd)...so I'm only bringing a fraction of all that with me. I also do not have my plane ticket yet! Apparently I'm waitlisted on a flight, and confirmed the next day, which would be Dec 29th. This control freak is freaking out at the thought of not having a plane ticket yet, but I'm slowly learning to let go of my expecations and trying to just go with the flow. Easier said than done. Once I'm overseas, I tend to be ultra-flexible...but not so much on this side of the ocean. In one of my old jobs, I was responsible for all travel and assistance for people going all over the world, so I know how I would do things...and have trouble not expecting the same of others. But the reality is that I am going as a learner, not a teacher. I want to soak in the culture...and although there are many wonderful things about other cultures, I need to also accept that sometimes things are done quite differently.

On this side of the ocean, I continue to sludge through the myriad of details that go into making this move. At this moment, I'm trying to sell my car which is proving more difficult than I had previously thought. I am also in a financial dispute with my doctor's office (they submitted completely wrong codes to the insurance agency after I did a physical with them to prepare to leave!!!) and am trying to find a way out of the exhorbitant contract cancellation charge that Sprint is trying to impose on me for moving. Finances make me crazy!

So there are many many details, and lots of reasons to have a complete breakdown. But last night my folks and I sat and looked through pictures of my new apartment in Kuwait, and I was really excited. I think this is going to be an amazing experience, and so many people have been encouraging me, praying for me, and helping me through this process. If I can stay sane until December 28th (or 29th...or whenever they actually get me on a flight), I'll be golden! And if I am still sane...it will be thanks to a lot of good people on both sides of the ocean.

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