Sunday, May 17, 2009

Women in Parliament!!!

Exciting news here in Kuwait...the first women have been elected to the Kuwait Parliament. First time in history! Women only gained the right to vote in 2006, and although some have run for MP (member of parliament) in the two elections since 2006, none have ever won. Yesterday was election day here in Kuwait. One of my coworkers, Hala, has been working tirelessly on Dr. Aseel's campaign (she was one of 16 women to run for office)...and Dr. Aseel won! This is a very special moment for this country, and for women in the predominantly-Muslim gulf countries. Congratulation ladies!


uncle yale said...

that is great, can't wait to hear how it goes.

donna kushner said...

it is fun that you get to be in a place where women are making history. I hope they are successful in realizing their dreams and that they don't get caught up in the same stuff as the men!